The experience

From dreaming about your perfect session to receiving your photos and beyond.

How it works…

1. Get in touch.

Tell me about your dream session and what you would like to capture.

2. Get Booked in.

I’ll get back to you as soon as possible to find the best date for your session. Session times and dates are secured with a 50% deposit.

3. Get to know you.

Before your session I will send a questionaire to find out a little more about you and make sure we get the most from our time together!

4. It’s Photo time!

We’ll meet, chat and capture some magic together!

5. Gallery delivery

Your photos will be delivered via a private online gallery within 3 weeks.

6. Let’s be friends!

Hopefully this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. My dream is always to be invited back to capture the next big milestone or family holiday. I want to capture your story.